
MAC VIVA GLAM Ⅵ lipstick and Autumn makeup

Yesterday my mom tell me that Japanese cosmetic "AUBE" starts to sell new lips and shadows palette from this October. The shadows and lips are 4 types of colours imaged of autumn.



01-  platinum purple and pink プラチナパープルとピンク系(eyeshadows and lips) 
02- platinum brown and rose red プラチナブラウンとローズ系(eyeshadows and lips) 
03- platinum orange and red プラチナオレンジとレッド系(eyeshadows and lips) 
04- platinum beige and beige プラチナベージュとベージュ系(eyeshadows and lips) 

 as you see the photo,  the place of eyeshadows are shaped like a eyelid so you can apply the shadow colours same as this. So it's pretty easy for the beginner to make beautiful gradation and enjoy these colours.


Also, what i think the most impressive is the design of compact has 2 types  and those are limited designs only just for 2011's autumn.


(the left) - "Kanno pact" named from the actress Miho Kanno
this design has a lot of rhinestone and really pretty and sweet design looks princess-like

(the right) - "Esumi pact" named from the actress Makiko Esumi
this design is elegant but pretty and really good for adult ladies to have one. the design is kind like ethnic.

These are too pretty designs i can't choose which one is my favorite. My favourite colour is pink. And as you see the photo both are use my favourite colour! Oh my, oh my....
oh well, maybe i like the Kanno pact better because i really like the princess design.
But actually I'm wandering to buy one....If i will buy either of these, i have to make a reservation at drugstore or department store.
For international buyer, maybe you can buy through the online shopping. So if i found the good website I'll tell you later.

デザインが超可愛いすぎるから、結構迷いました(買うって決定したわけじゃないのに)。私の好きな色がピンクなんだけど、両方ともピンクあんのねw うがー!

By the way, I did my makeup imaged of autumn-like 2 days ago. I often use brown, gold and black for my eye almost everyday because i really like them so i didn't feel the difference but this time, i use light brown and dark brown from NYX Bronze Smokey Look Kit.

あ、おとといの話になるけど、ちょっと秋メイクを自分なりにやってみました。茶色とかゴールドとか黒とかよく使う色でほぼ毎日つけてるので、あんまり違和感が感じなかったけど、今回はNYX Bronze Smokey Look Kitのライトブラウンとダークブラウンの2色のみを使用しました。

                        Tada-!!! でーん!

And my lips, i applied  MAC VIVA GLAM Ⅵ .
リップはMACのVIVA GLAM Ⅵ を使用。

VIVA GLAM Ⅵ is lustre smokey pink colour so I think this lip is just right colour especially in autumn.

VIVA GLAM Ⅵ はlustureという分類のリップで、色はスモーキーピンクのような暗めのピンクです。なので、特に秋にピッタリの色だと思いますっ。

let'see and check the swatch between my bare lip and VIVA GLAM Ⅵ.(・ω・)
ちなみに、普段の唇と VIVA GLAM Ⅵ 付きの唇を比べてみたぽ(・ω・)

my bare lip (with lip balm)



my natural lip colour is bit reddish but VIVA GLAM Ⅵ makes the lip a mild pink lip and looks beautiful! And it has moisture so it lasts long if your lip tends to be dry.
plus, i add MACTricolour lipglass Just dessert on my lip.

私の唇はもともと赤いんですけど(トマトとなかなか良い勝負なんですw)、VIVA GLAM Ⅵ を塗り塗りすると、マイルドなピンクリップに変身しちゃいます!もちろん見た目も良いですよ!また保湿成分が十分あるので、色持ちも良いし、乾燥唇の方でも潤いのあるプルプルリップになりますよ
で、この上にMACTricolour lipglass Just dessert をつけました。
without flash

 with flash

I bought this at ACW(All Cosmetics Wholesale), i really lovin' it! If you don't have one, you should try this one!
このリップはACW (All Cosmetics Wholesale)という通販サイトで買いました。かなりおすすめのサイトですね!もちろん、このリップを持ってない人は、まだ販売されているので、買えますよ!

Let's enjoy autumn makeup!




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