
Barbie Cosmetics!! no.2

Hi ladies!
Are you in Japan enjoying 3 days vacation?

Last time I wasn't able to do my review about all of my Barbie cosmetics, so let's move on to rest of Barbies!

Barbie Powder Winwin Eyeshadow(Khaki)

Deep Khaki

This time I chose the colour Deep Khaki eyeshadow. This is one of the dark colour and I often use the dark colour like black or brown and this is the first time to get khaki colour. This khaki colour is just like mixed with green and gold so I really like it.  Last time I introduced about another eyeshadow whose package is like a compact and the difference between these two is the amount of glitter. This pen type eyeshadow has less glitter than Barbie Harmony Eyecolur.
The colour lasts for a long time though I put it on in a day so it is one of my good eyeshadow. The package is also nice.

And this pen type eyeshadow has 8 colours in all.

01.  Gold White
02. Pink
03. Lavendre
04. Beige
05. Gold Yellow
06. Gold Brown
07. Deep Khaki
08. Blue

The last one is Barbie Curling Up Mascara.

Barbie Curling Up Mascara

There are two types of mascara in Barbie brands, one is Barbie Volume Mascara and the other is Barbie Curling Up Mascara which I got this time. Actually I want both of them but I hesitate to buy 2 because my money is also as important as cosmetics, haha. So I got the one that package is prettier, isn't it so kawaii? :) Both of these mascaras are blush type. I really like it because I feel like this one is helpful for your eyelashes not only to make it curl up also make it volume up. Well the latter effect is just my imagination but maybe it also has the effect.
I will show you how great it is!

Look! I didn't wear any false eyelashes but don't you think it looks like I'm wearing false eyelashes?
Well, I only put an anther mascara "Marie Claire Perfect Wink Mascara" before I applied the barbie one because when I apply just the Barbie one it's too heavy that my eyelashes doesn't curl up. I will also do a review about "Marie Claire Perfect Wink Mascara" in other time. I really love these 2 mascaras.

So, todayI applied all the Barbie items that I have!

Today's lip make up, I used NYX Round Lipstick (Indian Pink), for a lipgloss I applied MAC Lipglass (She's A Star).

And also I made my hair straight with my hair iron (it's been a long time, Mr. hair iron)!

So this is all about my Barbie cosmetics and I'll show you other Barbie cosmetics that I didn't buy.

Barbie BlingBling Magic Powder (for face and body)
2,520 yen
Barbie Rainbow Body Glitter
1,050 yen

The colours of Barbie Rainbow Body Glitter
01. Pink  /  02. Gold  /  03. White

Barbie Fancy Lipstick
1,260 yen

The colours of Barbie Fancy Lipstick
01. Baby Beige  /  02. Nude Orange  / 03. Pretty Red
04. Shiny Purple /  05. Dream Pink  /  06. Cocoa Milk

Barbie Smooth Eyeliner
Black and Brown
1,260 yen

Barbie Shy Cheek Brusher
1,470 yen

The colours of Barbie Shy Cheek Brusher
01. Pink Mania  /  02. Orange Mania

Barbie Dream Pink Pact (Foundation)
2 types of colours: 01. Nude Beige  /  02. Skin Beige
2,625 yen
Barbie Facial Tissue Paper (cleansing)
399 yen

Barbie Volume Mascara
1,680 yen

Barbie Dolly Lipgloss
1,365 yen
The colours ofBarbie Dolly Lipgloss
01. Sunny Red  /  02. Shiny Orange  /  03. Pinky Shiny
04. Coral Pink  /  05. Creamy Pink  /  06. Rose Pink

And so on.

At last, the price of my Barbie collections are...

Barbie Finish Perfume Pact: 2,625 yen
Barbie PowderWinwin Eyeshadow: 945 yen
Barbie Harmony Eyecolour: 1,575 yen
Barbie Curling Up Mascara: 1,680 yen

The conclusion is these Barbie cosmetics are good not just the packages are cute but the minus point is that you can't find it frequently in shops and difficult to buy in shops. But I don't mean you can never get this pretty cosmetics. You can get through in online shops.
If you like it click the following online shops!

Import Plaza(No international shipping)

Best Buy World Singerpore(Just Singerpore. No international shipping)

LuzLlena(International shipping)
LuzLlena(Japanese H.P.)
*Over 5,000 yen, shipping fee is free !




Barbie Cosmetics!!

Yeah, I got a haul from Amazon!
Do you want to see what I got?


It's a "Wallace & Gromit"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really really love this anime because everytime i watch the Gromit series i feel this clay animation is so amazing, and the every stories are really good and funny though each stories has only within 30 minutes, and doesn't make me bored, and of course, i like the characters especially Gromit, mwah!
Since I watched Gromit movie on TV in Japan I've been loved in this anime but now i finally get the Gromit movie and this is mine, haha ;)

本当に本当にこのアニメ大好き!いつも、これ見てもクレイアニメーションの技術力の高さにびっくりするし、1話あたり30分以内しかないけど話も面白くて笑えるし、全然つまらなくなったりしない!もちろんキャラクターも好き、特にグルミットw chu♪

Well, today I want to show you the most are Barbie cosmetics which sell in Japan!
This Barbie collections are already sold in shops in Japan since 2009 but now i've rarely seen these for a few years. But you can buy these from online shops if you want to get one.


So, here are my Barbie collections.

Barbie Finish Perfume Pact, Barbie Harmony Eye Colour,
Barbie Curling Up Mascara,  Barbie Powder Winwin Eyeshadow(L→R)
When I saw this Barbie collections at first, i really love and feel want to get them because all the packages are girlish and soooooo cute!


What I love the most is Barbie Finish Perfume Pact.
一番お気に入りのものがバービー フィニッシュ パフューム パクト。

Barbie Finish Perfume Pact (Snow White)
It looks like the compact that i can see in Japanese anime such as Sailor Moon, isn't it? haha.


The inside of it is like this...

There is a cute puff in it and a plastic cover written the logo "Barbie" so that the powder doesn't disturb the mirror and everytime I can keep my compact cleaning. It's the cleverest package that I ever seen before!


And the powder is like the photo below↓

This Barbie Finish Perfume Pact has 2 types which are "Snow White" and "Dream Pink". 
According to the explanation of this product, this is used for highlight or cheek.
I get "Snow White" because I need something to use for highlight (and this is my first highlight ;) )

このバービー フィニッシュ パフューム コンパクトは「スノーホワイト」と「ドリームピンク」の2色があるんです。商品説明で見ると、ハイライトまたはチークの両方に使えるらしいよ。私はハイライトを試してみたかったので「スノーホワイト」を購入。(そして、これが私にとって初めてのハイライトになるのでしたw)

The powder contains a little glitter, and as you can see the word "perfume" from the name of the product, it has sweet scent like fruity floral. 
Honestly, I couldn't feel that I applied a highlight, I mean I couldn't find out a big difference of the colour between the powder and my skin. It helps just a little highlight. But the scent is really nice, so that's why I continues to use it.


The next one is the triple colour eyeshadows.

お次は3色入ったこちらのアイシャドー、「バービー ハーモニー アイカラー」。

Barbie Harmony Eye Colour (04. Peach Brown)
The package is also cute but I don't like the shape of it because the sizes of the case of bottom and the cover are not same like Barbie Finish Perfume Compact, and it looks like a shape of UFO, haha. But anyway, except for the package, I think this is a good eyeshadow.
I got the "04. Peach Brown" this time, and there are 3 colours like beige / pink / coral pink.  
Here is the swatch.

でも、中身はちゃんとした良いアイシャドーだと思います。私は04. ピーチブラウン(3色/ベージュ・ピンク・コーラルピンク)を買いました。

Coral Pink, Pink, Beige(L→R)
※There are no name of each colour officialy.
Same like the review from "Barbie Finish Perfume Pact" , it contains glitter and it makes my eyes really shiny and beautiful. But maybe each colour isn't clear like MAC but shiny. I used beige colour as a highlight and applied on my nose before, but in my opinion, the glitter is too shiny that my nose looks like oily, haha.


The "Barbie Harmony Eyecolour" has 6 types of colours and here are some samples and i think it may be help you.


This eyeshadow has 6 colours, 01. White Pink / 02. Silver Purple / 03. Green Blue / 04. Peach Brown / 05. Golden Beige / 06. Pink Grey / 07. Golden  Khaki

Oh my, it's time to go to bed because I have a job from early in the next morning. All right, so I'll review of the rest of my Barbie cosmetics in next time!


Bye :)



NYX Round Lipsticks swatch


I'm doing this blog having a nice tea time with my English milk tea and this soooo pretty cookie.Isn't this cookie so kawaii? o(>∇<)o
This cookie was from one of my colleagues because I helped her last week and she bought this sweet at "Shirotae"in Akasaka, Tokyo. The shape is a rabbit and the backside is covered with chocolate.  Yummy♪ I ate it in few seconds, haha.

イングリッシュミルクティーとこんな超超可愛いクッキーと一緒にお茶をしながらブログ更新してまーす!このクッキー可愛くない!? o(>∇<)o
このクッキーは職場の人からお礼としてもらったものなんだけど、「しろたえ」という赤坂のお菓子屋さんで買ったみたいです。ウサギさんの形をしていて、後ろがチョコレートコーティングされてるのよ、美味しそう♪ 数秒で食べちゃったけどねw

well, today I decide to show you some of NYX Round Lipsticks' swatch because in Japan there aren't so many NYX products. Also  i can't see particularly Round Lipstick at any shop around my home and I'd like to tell you can get this great lippies in low price. NYX round lipstick has so many colours like MAC listicks but it doesn't have strong scent.So I would be happy if i would help somebody who doesn't know these lipsticks or wants to buy these but doesn't know what it's like★


I choose 4 lipsticks from my drawer and those are HARMONICA,  NARCISSUSTHALIAINDIAN PINK.(L to R)

今回は、この4色をピックアップしました。左からHARMONICA(ハーモニカ),  NARCISSUS(ナーシサス)THALIA(タリア)INDIAN PINK(インディアンピンク)です!


bare lip

Harmonica without flash

Harmonica with flash

HARMONICA is like pearl baby pink when i applied it to my lip. I think this is one of light shades.As i said before, my natural lip colour is red and when i add this lip colour I'm look like a gal or a manba in Shibuya. It's difficult for me to think a makeup which is good for this lip colour. But, yeah, i really like this pink colour so I'll try to look for some good makeup for this colour. Maybe, a nude makeup?

HARMONICA(ハーモニカ)はベビーピンクみたいな色をして、パールのように発光します。 多分何本かあるうちの中で明るめの色じゃないかと思います。前にも言ったけど、もともとの私の唇の色が赤いんで、これを塗るとなんか渋谷のギャルかマンバのようになります(唇だけねw)。 この色に合わせてメイクどんなのが合うかなって考えてたんだけど、限られるので難しいかもね。 だけど、この色好きなんで、挑戦して探してみるよ!多分、ヌード系メイクとかかなぁ?

Narcissus without flash

Narcissus with flash

NARCISSUS is like a barbie blue pink. I really like this colour and it stand out my lip because the colour is bright and strong. Maybe this coulour is the best for black or blue eye makeup in my thought. 

NARCISSUS(ナーシサス)はバービーチックなブルーピンクです。ちょっと紫っぽいピンクのような色。この色自体は好きかな!ちょっと濃くはっきりした色なので、目立ちます。人によってはキツイ色になってしまうのかな? 私の想像だけど、きっとブラックかブルー系のアイメイクと似合うと思う。お出かけしない時に一人で今度やってみよっかな?w

Thalia without flash

Thalia with flash

THALIA is a bit dark pink beige colour. This colour doesn't choose the colour of skin or ages. This colour is not too bright coulor and light shade, maybe most of Japanese will like this colour. It is really easy to apply when your makeup is heavy or not! I think it's my imagination but I felt THALIA has more moisture care than the other 2 colours and it is comfortable to wear.

THALIA(タリア)はちょっと暗めのピンクベージュ。この色は人種や肌の色や年齢を選ばないし、明るすぎず落ち着いた色なので、多分ほとんどの日本人がこの色を気に入りそう!それに、化粧が濃いめであろうが薄めであろうが、本当に合わせやすい! あと、気のせいかもしれないけど、タリアは上の2色と違ってすごく塗りやすくて、保湿成分が多く入ってる気がした。塗った後、ピタッとしっとり唇に着くのが分かる!

Indian Pink without flash

Indian Pink with flash

At last, INDIAN PINK is just between orange and pink, it's like a coral pink.
I know this colour is very popular among many girls for this pretty pink colour! I think this is very nice when you apply in summer or vacation. Someday i want to put it on my lip when i go to Hawaii or Maldives, haha. If you don't have it, try to buy it and you'll like this one!

最後に紹介するINDIAN PINK(インディアンピンク)はちょうどオレンジとピンクの間って感じの色で、コーラルピンクに当たる色です。このピンクがたくさんの女の子達からもかなり人気のある色なんです!夏とかバカンスの間にぴったりの色に思えます。いつかハワイかモルディブに行った時に着けてみたいなw もし、こーゆーコーラルピンクのリップを持ってないなら、これを買ってみてもいいかも!

The round lipstick costs per $4.00 in official website, while in Japan you have to pay NYX lipstick ¥1,260 ~1,470 yen which is about same price with MAC in USA. How crazeeeee!!!
But you can buy it more cheep in a wonderful website called Cherry CultureMost of girls in all over the world may know this website. You can check other girls show hauls  in Youtube.
You can get it in $2.50 now at there. Sometimes C.C. has its own  sale, you can buy it lower price. I got these on sale that i payed just $1.99!!

公式サイトだと、ラウンド・リップスティックは1本につき値段が$4.00(現在の値段だと310円)、一方日本だとラウンド・リップスティックは売ってはいませんが、NYXのリップの値段は 1,260 ~1,470円ぐらいで、アメリカでMACのリップを買う値段と大体同じです。アメリカの4・5倍の値段とか、どうかしてるでしょw

だけど私のお気に入りのサイト、これは海外の女の子からも超有名なサイトですが、 Cherry Culture (チェリー・カルチャー)というサイトに行くと、もっと安い値段で済みます。Youtubeでもよく女の子がC.C.で買ったものを見せたりしています。今だと、1本/$2.50(193円)で購入可能です。たまにC.C.はセールとかやっているので、そうするともっと安く買えちゃうよ! 私はセールでたったの$1.99(約150円)しか払ってません!!

Check the C.C. ! →http://www.cherryculture.com




MAC VIVA GLAM Ⅵ lipstick and Autumn makeup

Yesterday my mom tell me that Japanese cosmetic "AUBE" starts to sell new lips and shadows palette from this October. The shadows and lips are 4 types of colours imaged of autumn.



01-  platinum purple and pink プラチナパープルとピンク系(eyeshadows and lips) 
02- platinum brown and rose red プラチナブラウンとローズ系(eyeshadows and lips) 
03- platinum orange and red プラチナオレンジとレッド系(eyeshadows and lips) 
04- platinum beige and beige プラチナベージュとベージュ系(eyeshadows and lips) 

 as you see the photo,  the place of eyeshadows are shaped like a eyelid so you can apply the shadow colours same as this. So it's pretty easy for the beginner to make beautiful gradation and enjoy these colours.


Also, what i think the most impressive is the design of compact has 2 types  and those are limited designs only just for 2011's autumn.


(the left) - "Kanno pact" named from the actress Miho Kanno
this design has a lot of rhinestone and really pretty and sweet design looks princess-like

(the right) - "Esumi pact" named from the actress Makiko Esumi
this design is elegant but pretty and really good for adult ladies to have one. the design is kind like ethnic.

These are too pretty designs i can't choose which one is my favorite. My favourite colour is pink. And as you see the photo both are use my favourite colour! Oh my, oh my....
oh well, maybe i like the Kanno pact better because i really like the princess design.
But actually I'm wandering to buy one....If i will buy either of these, i have to make a reservation at drugstore or department store.
For international buyer, maybe you can buy through the online shopping. So if i found the good website I'll tell you later.

デザインが超可愛いすぎるから、結構迷いました(買うって決定したわけじゃないのに)。私の好きな色がピンクなんだけど、両方ともピンクあんのねw うがー!

By the way, I did my makeup imaged of autumn-like 2 days ago. I often use brown, gold and black for my eye almost everyday because i really like them so i didn't feel the difference but this time, i use light brown and dark brown from NYX Bronze Smokey Look Kit.

あ、おとといの話になるけど、ちょっと秋メイクを自分なりにやってみました。茶色とかゴールドとか黒とかよく使う色でほぼ毎日つけてるので、あんまり違和感が感じなかったけど、今回はNYX Bronze Smokey Look Kitのライトブラウンとダークブラウンの2色のみを使用しました。

                        Tada-!!! でーん!

And my lips, i applied  MAC VIVA GLAM Ⅵ .
リップはMACのVIVA GLAM Ⅵ を使用。

VIVA GLAM Ⅵ is lustre smokey pink colour so I think this lip is just right colour especially in autumn.

VIVA GLAM Ⅵ はlustureという分類のリップで、色はスモーキーピンクのような暗めのピンクです。なので、特に秋にピッタリの色だと思いますっ。

let'see and check the swatch between my bare lip and VIVA GLAM Ⅵ.(・ω・)
ちなみに、普段の唇と VIVA GLAM Ⅵ 付きの唇を比べてみたぽ(・ω・)

my bare lip (with lip balm)



my natural lip colour is bit reddish but VIVA GLAM Ⅵ makes the lip a mild pink lip and looks beautiful! And it has moisture so it lasts long if your lip tends to be dry.
plus, i add MACTricolour lipglass Just dessert on my lip.

私の唇はもともと赤いんですけど(トマトとなかなか良い勝負なんですw)、VIVA GLAM Ⅵ を塗り塗りすると、マイルドなピンクリップに変身しちゃいます!もちろん見た目も良いですよ!また保湿成分が十分あるので、色持ちも良いし、乾燥唇の方でも潤いのあるプルプルリップになりますよ
で、この上にMACTricolour lipglass Just dessert をつけました。
without flash

 with flash

I bought this at ACW(All Cosmetics Wholesale), i really lovin' it! If you don't have one, you should try this one!
このリップはACW (All Cosmetics Wholesale)という通販サイトで買いました。かなりおすすめのサイトですね!もちろん、このリップを持ってない人は、まだ販売されているので、買えますよ!

Let's enjoy autumn makeup!

