
NYX Round Lipsticks swatch 3

2 day ago, I had a call from my best friend and she asked me if I could go and watch football game tomorrow. I didn't have any appointment or any work on that day ,so yesterday I watched the football game at Nissan Stadium!!! And that is my very first time to watch the football game without on TV! Eapecailly the red unfiorm's team's fans are so enthusiastic that is really amazing! Of course, about me, was also interested so much! Buuuuut, on that day I was in high spirits  and lost my lovely MAC lipstick "SNOB".
Maybe I put it somewhere without my notice which was a big shock for me! lol

2日前に、とても仲の良い友達から「サッカー明日見に行かない?日産スタジアムで浦和レッズと横浜マリノスの対決なんだけどチケット1枚余っちゃって・・・」と急に電話がかかってきたので、何も予定のなかった暇人pinkybunnyはもちろん行きました!ノリで!ww なんせ、サッカーの試合なんてテレビでしか見たことないし選手とかもとく分かってないくせに行っちゃったんだからww しかもね、生まれて初めての生でサッカー観戦だったから! で、当日行ったら浦和レッズのサポーターが怖いくらい熱くてビックリしたけど、いつの間にか私も興奮してレッズを応援してたよねww

Ok, today I'd like to show you some swatches of NYX Round Lipstick part3 which is my last NYX round lipstick series.  So I'm gonna show you 6 lippies this time.

さて、今日はNYX ラウンドリップスティックの第三弾を紹介しちゃいます。ちなみに、今回ので、私のラウンドリップのコレクションは最後になります。今回は6色を見せちゃうよ!

From left to right,  I picked up "Paris", "Vitamin", "Tea Rose", Pumpkin Pie", "Louisiana", and "Fig". Oh, by the way, don't have to care that only Louisiana is written in red, just because the number of words are too many and I thought it's hard to see the name if I type in pink colour like the others.


"Paris" (パリス)

Paris is the colour between dark blue pink and lavender and it's so lovely colour! When I saw the name, I often come up with the name of celebrity, Paris Hilton. I'm not sure where the name come from but I suppose many blond hair celebrities like this type of colour like Paris Hilton or Ashley Tisdale. I'm not sure that is the reason why I like this but I like this cute colour. And if you love blue pink or barbie pink, you can challenge and you maybe like it :) This lipstick has no shimmering but it is pigmented and it lasts for about 2-3 hours.

パリスは暗めのブルーピンクとラベンダーの間ぐらいの色で、超可愛い色です!なんか、この名前を聞くとパリス・ヒルトンを思い出しちゃうんだよね。由来はよく分かんないけど、パリス・ヒルトンやアシュリー・ティスデイルとかブロンドヘアのセレブを想定しそうな色って勝手に思ってますw だからか分かんないけど、この可愛い色好きです! もしブルーピンクやバービーピンクが好きな人は、試してみるといいよ!きっと気に入ると思うから! この色は着色具合もばっちりだし、キラキラするわけじゃないけど、約2・3時間は持ちますよ!

"Vitamin" (ビタミン)


Vitamin is pearl orange and red,  and as you can see from the swatch it's more shimmering than other ones. Compared with "Margarita", these two has shimmering but Margarita is bit reddish while Vitamin is close to orange. I feel I want to put clearer colour lipstick instead of this one because this colour is similar to my bare lip. But maybe you can make a new colour if you add Vitamin and another colour.


"Tea Rose" (ティー・ローズ)

Tea Rose

Tea Rose is dark rose colour and I think it's very useful colour for all ladies because it's not too bright colour, so it's mean you can wear on whether you are on work or ceremony  or having a private time, and also it's perfect colour for all ages! I think my mom also would like this colour :) And most of Japanese brand cosmetic's companies sell the similar colour lipstick sooooo often (well, honestly, I really want them to produce more various colour :(  ). As I told you at "Paris", it lasts for few hours.

ティーローズはちょっと暗めのローズカラーで、ほとんどの人からしたら超使いやすい色にあたると思います!そんなに明るすぎず、どキツイ色じゃないから、職場でもOKの色だし、お祝い事やパーティーにも活躍できそうな色、もちろんプライベートでも全然OKだよ^^ それで、年齢を選ばないパーフェクトな色!多分、私のお母さんも好きそうな色だもん^^ ほとんどの日本化粧品会社も、こうゆー感じの色のリップいっぱい出してるしね!(個人的には、正直もっと似たり寄ったりじゃなくて、もっといろんな色を出してほしいんだけどね) 「パリス」と同様、数時間は綺麗に持ちましたよ!

"Pumpkin Pie" (パンプキン・パイ)

Pumpkin Pie

Yoooohooo! I really love this one :)
Pumpkin Pie is the colour between beige and dark orange. Compared with Tea Rose just I showed you before on this page, Tea Rose is bit pinkish but Pumpkin Pie is more orange. Most of NYX lovers have this one and they highly recommended this colour because of the lovely colour and the perfect colour for all races! Also, the colour lasts for pretty long as for its price! Just now season is Autumn and you know Halloween is coming in about a week, it's a good chance to use it for now! So why don't you apply it on Halloween party?


"Louisiana" (ルイジアナ)


Louisiana is very bright and clear pink colour and it's one of lady colour. When I saw this colour at first, it's too bright and clear for me and I thought I won't never apply it. But if I try to use this for my blog, it's cute and sexy colour and it make you from a girl to a lady!  So I'd like to apply on someone's wedding or party! This one became one of my favorite colour! When I saw the name Louisiana, I always come up with Britney Spears, I mean Louisiana is known for her home state.

ルイジアナは、とても明るいはっきりしたピンクで、レディーっぽい色って表現したらいいのかな。最初、この色見たとき、自分にはキツイ色だし絶対着けないだろうなって思ってたんだよねw でも、このブログでアップしなきゃいけないと思って、着けてみたら、案外いいかもw 可愛めの色とゆーかセクシーな唇になれるね!女の子からお姉さんになれるような大人に近づける色って感じがします!だから、多分誰かの結婚式とかパーティーなんかで着けてみようかなって考えてる^^ ちなみに、ルイジアナって言葉聞くとブリトニー・スピアーズの故郷だから、いつもブリトニー・スピアーズを連想しちゃいますw

"Fig" (フィグ)


Fig is very pretty pink colour. I really like barbie pink or blue pink but i really like this type of pink colour. As for me, my bare lip colour is reddish so the pigment is tuned out bit pink colour but if your lip's colour is beige orange maybe it turned into bit blue pink!
Also when you applied this lipstick, it make your face look bright and healthy!


So, that's all of my NYX Round lipstick collection!
I hope you'd enjoy it!


Next maybe I'll review about Japanese cosmetics "Dolly Wink" cause I got a big haul of Dolly Wink's mascaras and false eyelashes collections!


Bye.     xxx



Candy Doll's Lip Gloss and Lip Concealer

Helloooo girls!
Are you having a good autumn days?
For me, I'm doing much better than the last time and I'm really having a great time after the autumn holiday was finished ;)


So, this time I'd like to show you one of famous Japanese brand cosmetics "Candydoll" which is produced by a very popular gal model Tsubasa Masuwaka. I really love her makeup in recent days.

さぁて、今回はあの超人気モデルの益若つばさちゃんプロデュースした、有名な日本のコスメ「Candy Doll」を紹介しようと思うんだがね!

I picked up the first 2 hit items from Candydoll!!!
Candy Doll's Lip concealer(L) and Lip gloss (R)
Nowadays, Candy Doll started to sell these lip items first and  has many cosmetics from cheeks, face powder, foundation, highlight..... and these lip items are really famous among girls. And I'm tell you what, lipgloss on the right of the photo is now rare!!! At first time, I often see it on the shop or online shopping website but, for its high reputation, it is  soldout in Candy Doll official website, another Tsubasa's shopping website and my best helper, all the shops in Rakuten online shopping were unable to purchase. :( Sooo Amazing!!! Finally, I could find it at Sony Plaza near from my job place.....I should  have go and check there first before I tried to find it by net surfing for a looong loong time, haha.

キャンディードールは最近になって、チーク、フェィスパウダー、ファンデーション、ハイライトなどリップアイテム以外にも発売されるようになったんだよね!そして、この初期に出たリップアイテムが女の子の間ですごく話題になっています。そんでね、この写真の右側に写ってるリップグロスが今ではレアになってしまったのさ。。。このリップグロスが売られ始めてからは、お店でも結構見かけたんだけど、高い評判と口コミの影響でCandy Dollオフィシャル ウェブサイトでも品切れ、つばさちゃんのもう一つのオンラインショッピングのサイトでも売り切れ、そしていつも最終手段として活用している楽天のすべてのショップも売り切れ・・・:(
これには本当ビビった!でもこの前、ついに職場の近くにあるSony Plazaで発見しますた・・・。

According to the explanation from the package, first you applied a little amount of the Candy Doll's lip concealer on your lips and then put the Candy Doll's lipgloss on, so your lips looks milky pink like a top model!!!!!  Of course, you can use either of them and both  do great help though.


So first, I applied just the lip concealer on my lips.

Bare lips
 Candy Doll's lip concealer

This lip concealer's colour looks milky beige when I saw the package but actually its colour is whitish beige when I tried to apply it on my lips.
it helps your lip looks very smooth and more beautiful when you add your own lipsticks or lipgloss. Of course, you can use it as a beige lip gloss! Another thing for my opinion, this lip concealer's colour is so bright and whitish that my lips looks more shiny than without this lip concealer , i think this concealer is really good one.


Next, I applied just Candy Doll's lipgloss on my lips.

Candy Doll lipgloss

its colour is milky pink and my bare lips are originally reddish so if your lips are reddish like me it helps your lips make milder.
I really surprised this lipgloss's effect and now I know why this is too difficult to get and soldout in many shops. As you can see the first photo of this lipgloss, my lips looks shiny like a water and you can have a very sexy lips!!!! the colour is not so bright or clear though it makes your lips natural and sexy. But it doesn't last as much as M.A.C lipgloss, so you have to put it again after about every 2 or 3 hours.
Anyway, I should colour my brows brown and it would look better than now, hehe.


At last, I applied them together.

Candy Doll's lip concealer and lipgloss 

I tried to wear them before once and it helps the lips looks sexy and really great. But the minus point is that it doesn't last for a long time and it looks terrible when your lips are dry after few hours. So what I thought is I think you'd better care your lips (like giving moisture to your lips at night) and try not to dry your lips easily.

前にね、一回この2本を塗ってお出かけしたことがあるんだけど、色といい見かけといい、セクシーな感じになって良い商品よ!でもね、先ほども言ったように長時間は長持ちしない、だから数時間後には「Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!」と叫びたくなるようなヒドイ有様になっていますww 唇の皮が寄れて、白いフニャフニャしたものが唇の内側に寄ってる、みたいなw そこの点は、やっぱりマイナスにせざるを得ないかな。だから、唇が渇きにくいように、毎晩、水分補給を唇に与えるなどリップケアをしたほうがいいと思うね。

 Each items costs 1,260 yen.

You can check Tsubasa Masuwaka and Candy Doll cosmetics! (both websites are in japanese!!)

"Candy Doll" official website

「つばコレ」 "Tsuba-Colle"
↑you can see her fashion cordinate, too!

Next, I'll update the NYX Round Lipstick swatches~part 3~
Please, enjoy♪


bye.    xxx



NYX Round Lipsticks swatch 2 (with a sad news)

Hello, guys!

I'm back! I'm sorry that I didn't update my blog.
Well, I had a big work and was very busy and... I had a sad news just a few days ago.

I broke with my boyfriend and we had been together for 2 and half months which was really long. I was really shocked and I can't and don't feel like doing anything.
I thinkI can't understand why person's love changes so easily. Because I have NEVER cheated on my all boyfriend or love another guy ( I'm proud of myself to be a single minded person, hehe). Many of friends cared and worried about me so much and they promised take me out to have fun. I'm soooooooooo happy that I have so many great friends around me. Of course, I'm really proud of them.

I think there are some readers (i think most of are girls)have a similar experience in past or maybe just now like me. Well, I've been telling about cosmetics and makeup to all of you through this blog, but I think everyone have mind of beauty and we should improve and make it more beautiful whoever we are and it doesn't matter we are a man or a woman. That is a real beauty from my opinion.
Well, from now I'm going to keep researching more about makeup and beauty and someday I want him to think "Oh my god, she was the only girl for me. What have I done!" like that , hehe.  Girls, let's show girls' power to guys!!! Boys, let's show your strong and warm mind to her!! And dear readers, if you could support me and cheer me up, I would glad to all of you:)

Anyway let's move on to today's topic.
Last week I got 2 wigs from Rakuten net shopping because my little brother is going to use for his school festival( what a crazy!). One is my choice and the other is his choice. My choice is a middle length of bob style. I've been longed that I want to change my hairstyle like this wig and I was fell in love in this hairstyle. You can see me wearing the other one on below, hehe!

So now,  here we are on part2 of NYX Round lipstick! As I told you before, these lipsticks has not so much scent. This time, I picked up these 5 lipsticks.

 From left to right, Orange Soda, Honey, Baby pink, Strawberry Milk and Margarita (all the name of lipsticks sounds yummy!)

So let's take the "Orange Soda"!

Orange Soda

Orange Soda
The colour is milky orange and this is the perfect one that you want to do nude makeup. Of course, I'm really love in this lipstick, colour is so nice and more orange than Candydoll Lipstick "Apricote beige". The touch is soft and smooth and easy to apply it on your lip.

Next one is "Honey".


Honey is also a nude beige like Orange Soda but it is darker than it. But this time, it doesn't much today's my makeup, I can't distinguish my skin colour , they are SAME! haha!! Some girls may say it makes them a pale face. Yes, I think it too and maybe it depends on you skin colour. But it is also smooth and easy to apply.

The third one is "Baby Pink".

Baby Pink

Baby Pink
Baby pink is, as you know from the name, it is baby pink but when I applied it on my lip, the colour is just like pearl whitish pink. As you see the photo above, I'm look like a gal or manba in Shibuya. Hmmm, this is a difficult colour on my makeup.

Fourth one is "Strawberry Milk".

Strawberry Milk

Strawberry Milk
Strawberry Milk is Barbie blue pink and it is so pretty colour. I know this is the most popular and loved colour among girls in all over the world. Yes, of course, this is my best colour in NYX Round Lipstick. I really love it very much. This colour is make you girlish and also look like dolly makeup! If you like blue pink or dolly makeup, why don't you get one? I really recommend this one!

The last one is "Margarita".


Margarita is a colour between red and hot orange just like a colour you see a margarita pizza :) It's pretty red colour but it makes me a bit adult. I rarely wear this colour but this time I found it nice from making these swatches.

Next topic, I'll introduce about 2 types of lipglosses from "Candy Doll".
Have fun :)




Barbie Cosmetics!! no.2

Hi ladies!
Are you in Japan enjoying 3 days vacation?

Last time I wasn't able to do my review about all of my Barbie cosmetics, so let's move on to rest of Barbies!

Barbie Powder Winwin Eyeshadow(Khaki)

Deep Khaki

This time I chose the colour Deep Khaki eyeshadow. This is one of the dark colour and I often use the dark colour like black or brown and this is the first time to get khaki colour. This khaki colour is just like mixed with green and gold so I really like it.  Last time I introduced about another eyeshadow whose package is like a compact and the difference between these two is the amount of glitter. This pen type eyeshadow has less glitter than Barbie Harmony Eyecolur.
The colour lasts for a long time though I put it on in a day so it is one of my good eyeshadow. The package is also nice.

And this pen type eyeshadow has 8 colours in all.

01.  Gold White
02. Pink
03. Lavendre
04. Beige
05. Gold Yellow
06. Gold Brown
07. Deep Khaki
08. Blue

The last one is Barbie Curling Up Mascara.

Barbie Curling Up Mascara

There are two types of mascara in Barbie brands, one is Barbie Volume Mascara and the other is Barbie Curling Up Mascara which I got this time. Actually I want both of them but I hesitate to buy 2 because my money is also as important as cosmetics, haha. So I got the one that package is prettier, isn't it so kawaii? :) Both of these mascaras are blush type. I really like it because I feel like this one is helpful for your eyelashes not only to make it curl up also make it volume up. Well the latter effect is just my imagination but maybe it also has the effect.
I will show you how great it is!

Look! I didn't wear any false eyelashes but don't you think it looks like I'm wearing false eyelashes?
Well, I only put an anther mascara "Marie Claire Perfect Wink Mascara" before I applied the barbie one because when I apply just the Barbie one it's too heavy that my eyelashes doesn't curl up. I will also do a review about "Marie Claire Perfect Wink Mascara" in other time. I really love these 2 mascaras.

So, todayI applied all the Barbie items that I have!

Today's lip make up, I used NYX Round Lipstick (Indian Pink), for a lipgloss I applied MAC Lipglass (She's A Star).

And also I made my hair straight with my hair iron (it's been a long time, Mr. hair iron)!

So this is all about my Barbie cosmetics and I'll show you other Barbie cosmetics that I didn't buy.

Barbie BlingBling Magic Powder (for face and body)
2,520 yen
Barbie Rainbow Body Glitter
1,050 yen

The colours of Barbie Rainbow Body Glitter
01. Pink  /  02. Gold  /  03. White

Barbie Fancy Lipstick
1,260 yen

The colours of Barbie Fancy Lipstick
01. Baby Beige  /  02. Nude Orange  / 03. Pretty Red
04. Shiny Purple /  05. Dream Pink  /  06. Cocoa Milk

Barbie Smooth Eyeliner
Black and Brown
1,260 yen

Barbie Shy Cheek Brusher
1,470 yen

The colours of Barbie Shy Cheek Brusher
01. Pink Mania  /  02. Orange Mania

Barbie Dream Pink Pact (Foundation)
2 types of colours: 01. Nude Beige  /  02. Skin Beige
2,625 yen
Barbie Facial Tissue Paper (cleansing)
399 yen

Barbie Volume Mascara
1,680 yen

Barbie Dolly Lipgloss
1,365 yen
The colours ofBarbie Dolly Lipgloss
01. Sunny Red  /  02. Shiny Orange  /  03. Pinky Shiny
04. Coral Pink  /  05. Creamy Pink  /  06. Rose Pink

And so on.

At last, the price of my Barbie collections are...

Barbie Finish Perfume Pact: 2,625 yen
Barbie PowderWinwin Eyeshadow: 945 yen
Barbie Harmony Eyecolour: 1,575 yen
Barbie Curling Up Mascara: 1,680 yen

The conclusion is these Barbie cosmetics are good not just the packages are cute but the minus point is that you can't find it frequently in shops and difficult to buy in shops. But I don't mean you can never get this pretty cosmetics. You can get through in online shops.
If you like it click the following online shops!

Import Plaza(No international shipping)

Best Buy World Singerpore(Just Singerpore. No international shipping)

LuzLlena(International shipping)
LuzLlena(Japanese H.P.)
*Over 5,000 yen, shipping fee is free !

